August 24, 2018
Today was rainy as usual and I had to observe 2 classes from 2 pm to 5 pm. In the morning, my friend and I should return our economic book which we borrowed yesterday before 9 am. So, before 9 am, exactly at 8.45 am we went to library and my friend’s buddy accompanied us before he had a class. Unfortunately, my buddy had a class, so I couldn’t meet her today. Huhuhu I was so sad.. After we brought back the book, we went back to our dorm and waited the time to have an observation.
Finally, the time came and my watch showed me at 1.30 pm now. It was time to go to the class. When we arrived in the class, the local student teacher prepared DLP and laptop to start the class but there was no students whereas the time was 2 o’clock. I was so confused and I asked my self, where were they? Hahaa. When we waited for the students, we also had a talk with local student teachers. We discussed about learning processes for Junior High School especially in economic lesson. We talked about the teacher technique, methods, and the other things about learning process here.
Finally, after we spent our time around 15 minutes to talk to each other, the students came to the class at 02.15 pm. Apperently, the students came late because they had to move from one class before to the next class. It was because PSU Integrated School used moving class system for education. So, they have move from one class to the other classes.

After the class ended. We discussed about our teaching assistant and teaching schedule with Ma’am Carpio. She is very kind and fun also, actually. Then, we went back to our dorm at 5.15 pm.
