August 19, 2018
This day was the first day to walk around Manila, the Phillipines. We started our day having breakfast, we walked around hostel and finally we found place to have breakfast. We ate in the Mc Donalds. We had to search halal food because almost all of us were muslim. When we had our breakfast, we met one of Indonesian Student in the Philippines named Rahmat but we called him Mamat. After we had finished our breakfast, Mamat accompanied us to walk around Manila and we went to Maxims. Maxims was a resort located in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Those buildings looked so great and luxury.

We also walked through the Newport Boulevard and Manlunas Street. I saw a beautiful buildings along the street. It looked like an European Building. That is because Spain and America had ever been colonialized the Philippines. So, those buildings were a heritage from both countries. I was so glad when I walked around that street because I could feel like I walked around in the Europe. Hahaha.

After all of us felt tired, we went back to the hostel because the representative of Pangasinan State University would pick us up and then we were going to have a voyage to Pangasinan. We were separated with Mamat in the middle of the road when we were about to go to Pangasinan. And then, we were arrived in Pangasinan at 10 pm.
